Today, the International Labour Organization reports at least 40 million people are living in conditions of forced labour. These victims are found in every country and every industry. And it’s estimated that 16 million of them are trapped in corporate supply chains.
Slavery is not a relic of the past. It’s embedded within big business. These numbers are higher than at any other time in recorded history, but they don’t have to grow. We all have a role to play—especially the private sector. With dedicated leadership, companies can champion efforts to eradicate forced labor in their business strategy and culture from top to bottom.
Take Action
Drive C-Suite Level Action
In the face of the horrific prevalence of modern day slavery, CEOs are uniquely placed to meaningfully move the needle and demand an end to this once and for all. Learn how they can bring freedom to those who desperately need it with Eradicating Modern Slavery: A Guide for CEOs.
Stay in Touch
Putting an end to modern slavery requires all of us. Sign up to receive updates on how you can take action today for a future of freedom.
CEOs and business leaders have a responsibility to lead the charge against the modern slave trade, forced labor and to end this once and for all. We are uniquely positioned to take action against the crimes modern slavery encompasses. And we cannot stand by and let even one person suffer in these devastating conditions.”
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Refugees and Migrants

Gender Balance and Inclusive Cultures
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