In accordance to our mission and belief in transparency, The B Team is committed to being accountable to our mission, our partner organizations, our donors and supporters.
How we are funded
Close to 57% of The B Team’s funding comes from the Founders Circle, a group comprised of many of our Leaders, Foundations and individuals, who provide unrestricted support to the organization. We are also funded by a growing group of programmatic funders who provide restricted support, tied to one or more of our Causes, with the aim to scale the impact of these efforts.

How we use our funding
Unrestricted funding is allocated across the organization, in line with the priorities set by the Board to achieve our mission. Programmatic funding is distributed based on the objectives and deliverables of each cause area in partnership with each donor.
The B Team Headquarters Inc is a registered 503(c)(3), operating from New York state. We have two wholly owned subsidiaries, one in the UK, a limited company: The B Team Headquarters UK Limited, and one in Germany, a registered charity: The B Team Headquarters Germany gGmbH. These organizations house our team in two offices, our Headquarters in New York City and a satellite office in London. We also have a number of remote workers in these three countries.
Our registered office addresses are:
US Headquarters:
The B Team Headquarters Inc.
115 5th Avenue
6th Floor
New York, NY 10003
UK Subsidiary:
The B Team Headquarters UK Limited
20 Farringdon Street
German Subsidiary:
The B Team Headquarters Germany gGmbH
Wielandstr. 16
10629 Berlin,
The governing body of The B Team is our global board, a subset of The B Team Leaders, who are responsible for setting strategy, monitoring our finances, agreeing to the allocation of resources and monitoring our outcomes. Board Directors have a two-year term and are elected and overseen by the Board Members. We have two active Board Committees, the Audit Committee and the Nominations Committee, and two Officers of the Board.
Ester Baiget
Jesper Brodin - Chair
Sharon Burrow - Vice-Chair, Audit Committee
Joseph Kenner
Isabelle Kocher - Audit Committee
Jean Oelwang - Audit Committee
Andrew Liveris
Hiro Mizuno
Paul Polman - Nominations Committee
Halla Tómasdóttir
Kate Ormiston Smith
*Nominations Committee also comprises honorary members, other B Team Leaders, who are not Board Directors
The B Team Headquarters UK Limited has Kate Ormiston Smith and Ruth Jones as employee directors. The B Team Headquarters Germany gGmbH has Robin Hodess as Managing Director. The strategy and policies are as those from the global board, incorporating relevant UK/German laws where applicable.
Board Policies